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Selected Projects: Automotive

  • Implementation of a project management system for car development
  • Conception of a module-oriented construction system (platform strategy) for a car manufacturer with an extremely wide range of variants
  • Strategic realignment of a sports car manufacturer, product line adjustment
  • Reorganisation of all processes prior to new vehicle / aggregate production start-up
  • Conception of an environmentally / safety-oriented differentiation strategy in order to achieve competitive advantages (in particular over Japanese manufacturers) for a major German automotive group
  • Analysis of the longer-term effects of the German environmental legislation on the model / technology policy of a Japanese manufacturer



Selected Project Examples: Automotive


Conception of an environmentally / safety-oriented differentiation strategy for a German automotive group

  1. Benchmarking in the international competitive environment in relation to a range of relevant criteria, e.g. drive technologies, R&D focuses, environmentally-relevant information in the production process, positioning of the markets with specific statements regarding advertising, marketing and communication etc.)
  2. Address of relative strengths and vulnerabilities in relation to the respective competitive environment
  3. Conception of a modified brand and product strategy
  4. Adjustment of development focuses, e.g. in aggregate development (injection technology)
  5. Development of guidelines for strategy-adjusted marketing, sponsoring, communication, advertising etc.

Reorganisation of all processes prior to new vehicle / aggregate production start-up

  1. Introduction of super-ordinate project co-ordination (project management) for the realisation of production capacities, e.g. new aggregate target: min. 30% process reduction
  2. Analysis of ACTUAL processes, documentation in a work breakdown structure
  3. Identification of critical paths
  4. Restructuring of processes, including parallelisation of previously sequential processes
  5. Installation of necessary tools for streamlined, super-ordinate process (project) management
  6. Development of and agreement upon process-related management and directive structure
  7. Close linkage of process and aggregate development
  8. Process documentation in a manual